Strategy must be well-informed, guided by an organization’s core values and instigate clear and aligned actions.
At Cubismo a business development consultant is someone tasked with planning for what all businesses desire, high and sustainable growth. We start by understanding your business and your market so we can propose creative and disruptive ways to achieve that growth. We offer not just business development strategy but corporate level strategy.
A Cubismo business development consultant can help prepare and execute many different business development services and tools including, strategy, business development templates, budgeting and marketing management but we always start with the development of the business growth plan for your business.
A business development plan (AKA: business growth plan) takes time and care to prepare because each one is specific to the business and markets being addressed. Although each business development plan is unique there are always three key areas:
What is important is that it helps to align the resources and activities of the business allocated to achieve business growth. That is where our business development consultant will do a deep dive into a company and its personnel to find the Compelling Value Propositions (CVPs) for each business across all available markets and understand the key business goals to ensure alignment of the plan. We will then consider those markets, and segment based on the potential for business growth in each. This is where the business growth plan really gets going.
Companies have to be nimble and be comfortable, and able, to present their CVPs differently to different segments. The business growth plan allows us to form variant propositions across the different segments to make sure our approach is befitting each potential customer group and therefore have the highest possible chance to succeed, which after all is the purpose of the business development plan.
By fusing this approach to segmenting and targeting business development with market knowledge of the potential of each market we can go beyond the business growth plan and really enter into the realm of business development strategy and marketing development strategy.
We use a template business growth plan but our real value comes in how we bring alive your business and direct the compelling value proposition both to external and internal audience. The business growth plan also generates a number of other documents such as Business Development Register, Market Segmentation, Digital Marketing plan and others.
A good test may be can the business development plan be picked up by anyone in the organisation and instantly understood. Ideally it can be explained in a simple matrix of business goals, potential customers and CVPs.
A Cubismo business development consultant is waiting to speak to you today to start transforming your business growth story.